CATPA Grant Programs
The Colorado General Assembly gave the Colorado Auto Theft Prevention Authority (CATPA) the ability to award grants to multi-agency auto theft prevention, enforcement, training, support of victims of motor vehicle theft, prosecution, and first time offender rehabilitation programs for the purpose of reducing motor vehicle theft in Colorado. CATPA provides grant awards based on available funding as approved by the Governor’s office and the State Legislature. Historically, CATPA provides approximately $5 million each year, contingent upon insurance assessment collections and available funding within the CATPA Cash Fund. In addition, based on approval from the Legislature, additional funds may be provided to CATPA from the General Fund appropriation. The CATPA Board is committed to awarding grants that will reduce automobile theft in Colorado. The Colorado Department of Public Safety through the Colorado State Patrol is responsible for management of the grant program.
Template Guide for Funding ALPR,
ALPR Standards and Requirements-2023
CDOT ALPR Procedures
Upcoming CATPA Grant Programs
(click to expand)
FY26 CATPA Grant
Current CATPA Grant Programs
(click to expand)
HB22-1217 Catalytic Converter Identification and Theft Prevention Grant Program
During the 2022 Colorado Regular Legislative Session, House Bill 2022-1217 (HB22-1217) passed and was signed into law by Governor Polis on June 7, 2022. HB22-1217 provided CATPA with funds to be used for the following purposes: 1) Public awareness campaigns regarding catalytic converter theft, 2) Catalytic converter theft prevention parts, 3) Assistance to victims of catalytic converter theft, and 4) Catalytic converter identification and tracking efforts.
Grant Period: January 1, 2025 – June 30, 2025
Funds Available: $200,000
Grant Announcement: Available Here
Date of Announcement: September 26th, 2024
Grant Application: Available Here
Application Deadline: October 24th, 2024
Application Information: Available Here
CCITP CatETCH Best Practices Toolkit: Available Here
Grant Application Workshop Recording: View Here
Workshop PDF: Download Here
As the Grant process may vary from other state and/or federal grant programs, the CATPA Office will offer a grant workshop recording for those interested or otherwise desiring to submit a CCITP grant application. This workshop will provide attendees with an understanding of the purpose, intent, limitations and processes involved with submitting a Grant Application. The CATPA staff are available to answer questions before and after the release of the recording and provide feedback to prospective applicants. Although the listening of this recording is not required for submission of a CATPA Grant Application, it is highly recommended.
HB24-1430 Grant Program
During the 2024 Colorado Regular Legislative Session,) passed and was signed into law by Governor Polis on June 2, 2023. SB23-257 provided CATPA with $5 million from the general fund to be used for the following purposes: 1) Implementing a statewide program to increase awareness of automobile theft; 2) Implementing programs to support victims of automobile theft; 3) Additional overtime for law enforcement agencies; 4) Implementing a dedicated automobile theft prosecution program; 5) Enhancing and upgrading the automobile theft tracking and reporting system; or 6) Any other direct or indirect costs associated with the implementation of the automobile theft prevention grant program.
Grant Period: October 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025
Date of Announcement: May 21st, 2024
Application Deadline: June 25th, 2024
Application Information: Closed
Application information includes, Grant Manager’s Guidance Manual and related documents to this Grant for reporting and general information. Further information can be found Here.
Awarded HB24-1430 Programs
The Attorney General’s Auto Theft Initiative (AG Initiative) was awarded $121,677 for an investigator to assist their prosecutor. The AG Initiative emphasizes prosecuting individuals or groups of individuals working in a coordinated fashion such that the patterns of their conduct rise to the level of violation of the Colorado Organized Crime Control Act (COCCA).
Arvada PD – Theft Prevention
This is a single agency program, awarded $3,271 to buy GPS trackers to provide their citizens who have high theft risk vehicles.
Colorado State Patrol – Auto Theft Intelligence Coordination Center – ATICC
The ATICC was awarded $33,600 for personnel costs and improvement of technology
Colorado State Patrol – Beat Auto Theft Through Law Enforcement (BATTLE)
This program was awarded $3,250, BATTLE is a statewide law enforcement multi-agency task force providing agencies to work beyond their department limitations to combat auto theft. BATTLE aims to identify and arrest auto theft suspects, and recover stolen vehicles, by pooling resources utilizing advanced technology and sharing intelligence. BATTLE strives to increase communication among Colorado law enforcement agencies to identify chronic repeat offenders of vehicle crimes and collaborates with the CATPA metropolitan auto theft task force.
Brighton PD – Office for Victim Assistance
This is a multi-jurisdictional project, including the cities of Brighton, Ft Lupton, Lochbuie, and Commerce City, and was awarded $301,080 for victims support and personnel costs related to the victims support.
CATPA – Statewide Auto Theft Awareness Campaign
This is a multi-jurisdictional statewide public outreach project awarded $450,000 for education/outreach and victim support. The program will support statewide law enforcement agencies and will use marketing content for tv, radio, and other means to message auto theft awareness. Additionally they will purchase anti-theft devices for distribution.
Colorado District Attorneys Council – Enhanced Regional Auto Theft Prosecution Assessment
This is a statewide multi-jurisdictional project awarded $1,381,359 to create a dedicated district attorney prosecution program. The project will support the stand up of prosecution practices as they relate to motor vehicle theft across the State.
City of Lakewood – CATPA-Metropolitan Auto Theft Taskforce
This is a multi-jurisdictional project awarded $1,489,835 for full-time multi-agency enforcement task force initiative. This Denver-metro area investigative team increases communication and collaboration among auto theft investigators and takes a centralized approach in identifying, apprehending and prosecution of vehicle crime offenders, who normally commit crimes across multi-jurisdictional boundaries. C-MATT is instrumental in arresting multiple offenders including those involved and adjudicated in organized crime and collaborates with the CATPA statewide auto theft task force.
Colorado State Patrol – Victims Services Unit
The office of Victims Services was awarded $315,000 for the direct support of victims of auto theft in Colorado.
SB08-60 CATPA Grant Program
During the 2003 Colorado Regular Legislative Session, House Bill 03-1251 (HB03-1251) passed and was signed into law by Governor Owens on April 22, 2003 providing a grant program for improving and supporting automobile theft prevention programs. During the 2008 Colorado Legislative Session, Senate Bill 2008-060 (SB08-60) passed and was signed into law by Governor Ritter on June 3, 2008 amending HB03-1251. The existing grant program under SB08-060 provides funding for improving and supporting automobile theft prevention programs or programs for the enforcement or prosecution of automobile theft crimes through statewide planning and coordination. CATPA awards approximately $5.7 million each year, contingent upon insurance assessment collections and available funding within the CATPA Cash Fund. The CATPA Board is committed to awarding grants that will reduce automobile theft in Colorado. The Colorado Department of Public Safety through the Colorado State Patrol is responsible for management of the grant program.
Grant Period: July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025
Date of Announcement: December 15, 2023
Application Deadline: February 7, 2024
Application Information:
Application information includes, Grant Manager’s Guidance Manual and related documents to this Grant for reporting and general information. Further information can be found Here.
Awarded SB08-060 Grant Programs
Colorado Attorney General’s Office (AG’s)
The Attorney General’s Auto Theft Initiative (AG Initiative) was awarded $210,516 for a vertical prosecutor. This program works in conjunction with the CATPA taskforces and other law enforcement personnel, to: (1) identify significant auto theft criminal activity; (2) direct, organize and participate in targeted investigations involving multiple agencies; (3) and ultimately file appropriate charges or obtain indictments in cooperation with other state prosecutors. The AG Initiative emphasizes prosecuting individuals or groups of individuals working in a coordinated fashion such that the patterns of their conduct rise to the level of violation of the Colorado Organized Crime Control Act (COCCA).
Auto Theft Intelligence Coordination Center (ATICC)
This program was awarded $834,685 This program creates and provides timely and reliable information of statewide auto theft reports to law enforcement agencies across the state and beyond. In addition, ATTIC provides valuable data analysis to federal, tribal, national and state law enforcement agencies connecting the dots to numerous crimes.
Beat Auto Theft Through Law Enforcement (BATTLE)
This program was awarded $1,697,237 BATTLE is a statewide law enforcement multi-agency task force providing agencies to work beyond their department limitations to combat auto theft. BATTLE aims to identify and arrest auto theft suspects, and recover stolen vehicles, by pooling resources utilizing advanced technology and sharing intelligence. BATTLE strives to increase communication among Colorado law enforcement agencies to identify chronic repeat offenders of vehicle crimes and collaborates with the CATPA metropolitan auto theft task force.
Brighton PD – Office for Victim Assistance
This is a multi-jurisdictional project, including the cities of Brighton, Ft Lupton, Lochbuie, and Commerce City, and was awarded $150,000 for victims support and personnel costs related to the victims support.
Colorado Auto Theft Investigators (CATI)
This program was awarded $299,995 for statewide training initiative to support law enforcement education pertaining to auto theft by providing basic, advance and specialized training across the state.
CATPA Public Outreach
This program was awarded $450,000 to sustain and expand the Statewide Public Outreach program to enhancing public awareness on auto theft prevention.
CATPA Metropolitan Auto Theft Task Force (C-MATT)
This program was awarded $1,850,370 for full-time multi-agency enforcement task force initiative. This Denver-metro area investigative team increases communication and collaboration among auto theft investigators and takes a centralized approach in identifying, apprehending and prosecution of vehicle crime offenders, who normally commit crimes across multi-jurisdictional boundaries. C-MATT is instrumental in arresting multiple offenders including those involved and adjudicated in organized crime and collaborates with the CATPA statewide auto theft task force.
HB22-1217 Catalytic Converter Identification and Theft Prevention Grant Program
During the 2022 Colorado Regular Legislative Session, House Bill 2022-1217 (HB22-1217) passed and was signed into law by Governor Polis on June 7, 2022. HB22-1217 provided CATPA with $300,000 from the general fund to be used for the following purposes: 1) Public awareness campaigns regarding catalytic converter theft, 2) Catalytic converter theft prevention parts, 3) Assistance to victims of catalytic converter theft, and 4) Catalytic converter identification and tracking efforts.
Grant Period: October 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024
Date of Announcement: July 28, 2023
Application Deadline: August 18, 2023
Application Information:
Application information includes, Grant Manager’s Guidance Manual and related documents to this Grant for reporting and general information. Further information can be found Here.
Awarded HB22-1217 Programs
Colorado State Patrol – Beat Auto Theft Through Law Enforcement (BATTLE) This is a statewide multi-jurisdictional project awarded $244,442 for assessments, inspections, training regarding detached catalytic converter tracking, and assistance to victims of catalytic converter theft.
Boulder County Sheriff’s Office – Catalytic Converter Theft Prevention Project
This is a single agency project awarded $9,496 for prevention efforts to provide 800 catalytic converter labels marking for outreach efforts in Boulder County.
Historical CATPA Grant Programs
Historical information about FY2020-2024 Grant Programs Available on Demand. Contact for needed information in the interim.
SB08-60 CATPA Grant Program
During the 2003 Colorado Regular Legislative Session, House Bill 03-1251 (HB03-1251) passed and was signed into law by Governor Owens on April 22, 2003 providing a grant program for improving and supporting automobile theft prevention programs. During the 2008 Colorado Legislative Session, Senate Bill 2008-060 (SB08-60) passed and was signed into law by Governor Ritter on June 3, 2008 amending HB03-1251. The existing grant program under SB08-060 provides funding for improving and supporting automobile theft prevention programs or programs for the enforcement or prosecution of automobile theft crimes through statewide planning and coordination. CATPA awards approximately $5.7 million each year, contingent upon insurance assessment collections and available funding within the CATPA Cash Fund. The CATPA Board is committed to awarding grants that will reduce automobile theft in Colorado. The Colorado Department of Public Safety through the Colorado State Patrol is responsible for management of the grant program.
Grant Period: July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024
Awarded SB08-060 Grant Programs
Colorado Attorney General’s Office (AG’s)
The Attorney General’s Auto Theft Initiative (AG Initiative) was awarded $178,607 for a vertical prosecutor. This program works in conjunction with the CATPA taskforces and other law enforcement personnel, to: (1) identify significant auto theft criminal activity; (2) direct, organize and participate in targeted investigations involving multiple agencies; (3) and ultimately file appropriate charges or obtain indictments in cooperation with other state prosecutors. The AG Initiative emphasizes prosecuting individuals or groups of individuals working in a coordinated fashion such that the patterns of their conduct rise to the level of violation of the Colorado Organized Crime Control Act (COCCA).
Auto Theft Intelligence Coordination Center (ATICC)
This program was awarded $966,497 This program creates and provides timely and reliable information of statewide auto theft reports to law enforcement agencies across the state and beyond. In addition, ATTIC provides valuable data analysis to federal, tribal, national and state law enforcement agencies connecting the dots to numerous crimes.
Beat Auto Theft Through Law Enforcement (BATTLE)
This program was awarded $1,608,892 BATTLE is a statewide law enforcement multi-agency task force providing agencies to work beyond their department limitations to combat auto theft. BATTLE aims to identify and arrest auto theft suspects, and recover stolen vehicles, by pooling resources utilizing advanced technology and sharing intelligence. BATTLE strives to increase communication among Colorado law enforcement agencies to identify chronic repeat offenders of vehicle crimes and collaborates with the CATPA metropolitan auto theft task force.
Colorado Auto Theft Investigators (CATI)
This program was awarded $305,204 for statewide training initiative to support law enforcement education pertaining to auto theft by providing basic, advance and specialized training across the state.
CATPA Public Outreach
This program was awarded $450,000 to sustain and expand the Statewide Public Outreach program to enhancing public awareness on auto theft prevention.
CATPA Metropolitan Auto Theft Task Force (C-MATT)
This program was awarded $1,818,289 for full-time multi-agency enforcement task force initiative. This Denver-metro area investigative team increases communication and collaboration among auto theft investigators and takes a centralized approach in identifying, apprehending and prosecution of vehicle crime offenders, who normally commit crimes across multi-jurisdictional boundaries. C-MATT is instrumental in arresting multiple offenders including those involved and adjudicated in organized crime and collaborates with the CATPA statewide auto theft task force.